Monday, July 24, 2023

Manchester, NH News Conference: Congressional candidate Andy Martin says Kelly Ayotte must make full disclosure


New Hampshire Republican congressional candidate Andy Martin will hold a news conference Monday, July 24th to challenge former U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte to make a full disclosure of her past, current and future relationship with disgraced GOP chairman Jennifer Horn before Ayotte announces her candidacy for governor. “Ten years ago, Kelly was the ‘dummy’ to Jennifer Horn’s ventriloquist,” says Andy. “They were a two-person demolition team that went around the state attacking and defeating Republicans and finally defeating Ayotte herself, and delivering us into the hands of Red Maggie Hassan. Ayotte owes New Hampshire voters a full disclosure of her relationship with Horn.”

News from:

ANDY MARTIN /2024       

Republican candidate for Congress

New Hampshire - First Congressional District




P.O. Box 742

Manchester, NH 03105-0742

Cell (347) 960-9593

Fax (866) 214-3210


Web sites:


Attention, New Hampshire, Washington, National daybook/assignment and Political editors

July 23, 2023


Dear Granite Stater:

I will not be active in the upcoming gubernatorial election, other than to vote for the GOP candidate in November, 2024. I will stay sharply focused on my own campaign, and on congressional issues, with one exception. As probably New Hampshire’s only truth-telling Republican, I owe voters the benefit of my experience and wisdom over my many years in state and national politics.

The background of one potential gubernatorial candidate raises serious questions that I believe need to be addressed before she announces for governor.

Monday I will hold a news conference to suggest that before she announces for governor, Kelly Ayotte should apologize to New Hampshire Republicans and disclose her current relationship with Jennifer Horn as well as any role Horn world have in an Ayotte administration.

(letter continues below)


Here are the News conference details:


Who: U. S. House candidate Andy Martin


What: Andy says that before Kelly Ayotte announces for governor, she should apologize to New Hampshire Republicans and explain her past, present and future relationship with Jennifer Horn


Where: In front of Manchester City Hall, One City Hall Plaza


When: Friday, July 24, 2023 – 10:00 A.M.




(MANCHESTER, NH) (July 20, 2023) --- New Hampshire Republican U. S. House candidate Andy Martin will hold a Manchester news conference Monday, July 24 to challenge potential gubernatorial candidate Kelly Ayotte to “come clean” about her relationship with Jennifer Horn.


 (Andy’s letter continues)


First, let’s clear the air on one issue: I am not an Ayotte-hater. I endorsed her in 2016 and I voted for her. But I believe Kelly has shown abysmal political judgment; that bad judgment doomed her senate reelection. If Ayotte cannot give credible answers about her current and future relationship with Jennifer Horn, Ayotte’s gubernatorial campaign is dead on arrival.

 Let me take you on a trip down memory lane. In 2011 Jennifer Horn attacked me for exposing the truth about Barack Obama. Horn defended Obama and ignored the facts about his questionable life story. (see link to my book, below). I was amazed. Horn went on the radio and excoriated me for writing my tell-all book about Obama. I could see Horn was really not a Republican.

 Later, it became known, when the IRS filed liens against her home, that Horn had misappropriated employment and income taxes she withheld from her employees. Horn diverted the money to her congressional campaigns. Tax fraud anyone?

 Despite the fact that Horn had shown she was not a Republican and had misappropriated tax withholding funds from the IRS, the GOP nominated her for state chairman. I opposed Horn’s efforts to become state chairman and predicted that if she was elected, Horn would wreck the Republican Party. The rest is history. My evidence was ignored and Horn became state chairman, to the enduring ignominy of New Hampshire Republicans.

 Horn and Ayotte were close friends. The two women became a tag team attacking New Hampshire Republicans. Ayotte and Horn began by launching attacks on former Speaker Bill O’Brien.

 One of the basic tenants of serving in federal office is that you do not stick your nose in local fights. Ayotte ignored that rule.

 Ayotte and Horn went on to attack Congressman Frank Giunta, the last Republican elected to congress from New Hampshire; again, Ayotte had no business attacking Giunta for what was at worst an esoteric technical violation of election law.

 Horn used Ayotte as her dummy. Having Ayotte as her partner in crime made Horn’s crackpot behavior appear reasonable to many Republicans. But all the while Ayotte was undermining her own reelection. In 2016 Ayotte lost by a thousand votes. Over thirty thousand conservatives voted against her. Ayotte’s poor judgment had defeated her and given us Red Maggie as our senator.

 During 2016 Ayotte kept attacking the presidential candidate, Donald Trump, though she was under no duty to attack someone on the same ticket. Ayotte could hardly expect party loyalty when she was manifesting party disloyalty. What on earth was Kelly thinking? (She also had a sex pervert working in her congressional office; check it out.)

 Is eight years in purdah (2016-2024) enough time to rehabilitate Ayotte? You be the judge.

 Republicans need to know what the current relationship is between Ayotte and Horn, and whether Horn would be welcomed in the governor’s office. I have created a preliminary list of questions which are at the end of this letter.

 I hope you agree with me that Ayotte owes Granite Staters an explanation before she announces for governor, not later. I will certainly keep on top of this one issue.

 Ayotte will not be able to use “political consultants” to muddy the waters on her connections to Horn. The two women were one of the most toxic combinations ever in American politics. No Republican has been elected to congress since Ayotte and Horn attacked Giunta, the last Republican elected to congress over a decade ago. That speaks to the damage they inflicted on the Republican Party and on our state. Forgive and forget is not an option. We need an apology, and we need detailed information and explanations.


Best wishes,




1. What is your current relationship with Jennifer Horn?


2. When did you last speak with Jenifer Horn and if you do speak with her, how often do you do so?


3. Would Jennifer Horn be welcome in your gubernatorial campaign?


4. Would Jennifer Horn be welcome in your office if you are elected?


5. Have you ever spoken critically of Jennifer Horn; if so when and where?


6. Do you think your relationship and actions/activity with Jennifer Horn during 2013-2016 should be relevant to your campaign for governor?


7. When did you become aware that Horn was diverting employment taxes from her employees into spending on her congressional campaigns? Did you ever advise or counsel Horn on her diversions?


8. Do you think you owe Republicans an apology for your actions with Jennifer Horn?


(list of questions to be supplemented)




LINKS TO THIS STORY: (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):





Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, most recently in Ukraine, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;


Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute.


He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and


Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today he is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.




Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and


[NOTES: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.


© Copyright by Andy Martin 2023 – All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Ukraine supporter Andy Martin runs as a Republican for Congress in New Hampshire


New Hampshire’s Andy Martin will announce he is running for congress in the Granite State’s First District. Andy recently returned from his second trip to Ukraine. He will run as a strong supporter of providing assistance  until Russia is completely ejected from Ukraine.  “Supporting Ukraine is the existential challenge of our time,” Andy says. “We cannot repeat the mistakes of the 1930’s and reward mass murders for attacking peaceful nations. To pretend we can isolate and insulate America from what happens in the rest of the world is a mass delusion.”

News from:

ANDY MARTIN /2024        

Republican candidate for Congress

New Hampshire - First Congressional District




P.O. Box 742

Manchester, NH 03105-0742

Cell (347) 960-9593

Fax (866) 214-3210


Web sites:



[Please feel free to post, repost and email this letter, with the copyright notice attached]


[Calling all email lists: if you have friends or family or others who you think would like to read Andy’s emails, please send us your email lists and we’ll add them ours. The only way to really know what is happening in New Hampshire politics is to read Andy’s reports and analysis.]


Attention, New Hampshire, Washington, National daybook/assignment and Political editors


July 20, 2023


Dear Granite Stater:


Tomorrow I will announce my candidacy for congress from New Hampshire’s First District. (letter continues below)


Here are the News conference details:


Who: U. S. House candidate Andy Martin


What: Andy announces he will run for congress in New Hampshire’s First District


Where: In front of Manchester City Hall, One City Hall Plaza


When: Friday, July 21, 2023 – 4:00 P.M.




(MANCHESTER, NH) (July 20, 2023) --- New Hampshire Republican U. S. House candidate Andy Martin will hold a Manchester news conference Friday, July 21 to announce he is a candidate for congress from the First District.



(Andy’s letter continues)


I have just returned from my second trip to Ukraine. In a few days I will assemble my notes and provide you with a detailed analysis.


I am very concerned that isolationist elements in the Republican Party want to abandon Ukraine and repeat the mistakes the United States made during the 1930’s, when we pretended we could “isolate” ourselves from Europe’s problems, and at the end of World War II, when we abandoned Eastern Europe to Russia.


The disinformation about Ukraine that spews forth today from Fox News and elements of the Republican Party is distressing.


While I am a strong supporter of Ukraine, I do not support President Biden’s policy of endless stalling that only prolongs the bloodshed and unnecessarily increases the financial cost of the war.


Make no mistake: those who tell us we can abandon Ukraine, and run and hide - somewhere – are providing false information and raising false hopes. Mass murderers such as the Moscow madman Putin never stop at one conquest. All of Europe would eventually fall under Russian domination if we abandon Ukraine.

While Europe collectively is a large land mass with a substantial population, the continent is divided into small countries that need centralized support to be effective. We tried to avoid World War I and were dragged in. We pretended we could avoid World War II and were once again dragged in. After World War II we remained, and created a security structure that has endured for eighty years. The Greatest Generation left us a significant legacy. We should not squander that inheritance.


Moreover, what happens in Europe doesn’t stay in Europe. China is watching. If the west surrenders Europe, an Asian war over Taiwan also becomes inevitable.


In the coming week I will provide a detailed analysis of the Ukrainian situation, as well as a tightly focused plan for my campaign.


The First District is a Republican leaning district. In 2018 I supported Eddie Edwards. Unfortunately, after winning the nomination, Edwards torpedoed his own campaign within a few days. In 2020, I thought Matt Mowers could win. In 2022, Republicans nominated a candidate without any experience or credentials to serve in congress, and she was defeated even more soundly than her two predecessors. Despite talk of a “red tide” and sixty Republican seats being picked up, Republicans barely recovered the House. 2024 looks to be a very difficult year.


New Hampshire is closely divided politically. The state house is split 50-50. The state senate has a Republican majority. Yet the congressional delegation is composed of 100% radical socialists. Obviously, for the last decade, GOP congressional candidates have not resonated with New Hampshire voters. I am probably the only New Hampshire Republican who can connect with general election voters.


The last time we elected a Republican from the First District he was undermined and eventually defeated by the Union Leader, Jennifer Horn and Kelly Ayotte. We literally defeated one of our own.


So whatever Republicans have done in the past decade hasn’t worked. That’s the sad truth.


The First District has a very large segment of voters who are highly educated and very sophisticated. Tired slogans and paranoid conspiracy theories do not sell among Republicans or independents. Dingbat campaigns have not worked in the First District in the past, and they won’t work in 2024.


I am an unusual candidate in that I am not a party favorite in the primary; but I would be the strongest candidate in the general election. The Democrats know that; Republicans need to listen up.


Please feel free to share your views with me.


In closing, on the way home from Ukraine I stopped at the Polin Museum of Jewish History in Warsaw. 2023 marks eighty years since the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, in which a few hundred Jews took on the German army. I was profoundly affected by the bravery of the men and women who fought for their freedom. The General Milleys of WW II had abandoned Europe’s Jews. They were forced to fight for themselves. Ukrainians are fighting for themselves. They are only asking for our assistance, not our soldiers. We cannot abandon them.


Best wishes,






LINKS TO THIS STORY: (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):





Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, most recently in Ukraine, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;


Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute.


He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and


Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today he is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.




Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and


[NOTES: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.


© Copyright by Andy Martin 2023 – All Rights Reserved